
Back pain, neck pain, pain in the knee and shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome- these are common and sometimes debilitating conditions that may arise from car accidents, sport or any kind of injury, muscle overuse, incorrect posture and negative thinking, or long standing stress situations.
Do you know that 68% of the population suffers from back pain and 85% of Americans will suffer incapacitating low back pain in their lifetime?
Today chiropractic is the most effective method of treatment for back conditions and the satisfaction rate with chiropractic is 95% ! If you think that you have to go to chiropractor only when something hurts, you are mistaken! Yes, in case of any muscular-skeletal pain caused by a car accident, sports trauma, a slip or fall, tendonitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, disk problems, sciatica, or neuropathy the best and most effective way to treat this condition is to go to a chiropractor. I am talking about going to a chiropractor when nothing bothers you. This is maintenance and preventive care, which you need, and being pain free is not a warranty that you are healthy. Pain is just a symptom that your body uses in order to grab your attention to resolve the situation.
KST – Koren Specific Technique
KST-Koren Specific Technique – very gentle, nonforceble, accurate method of adjusting, body will hold this type of adjusting longer and it is more physiological because everything done on the basis of information from the patient. Any joint in the body may be adjusted with KST, cranial bones adjusting done on regular basis and effects blood flow to different parts of the brain, enhancing brain function.
KST doctor uses arthrostim- specific electrical device which is safe and reliable and has healing frequency of the body, patients of any age can be adjusted with arthrostim.
One moment everything may seem fine when suddenly you’re involved in a serious collision. Most people have one thing on their mind after a car accident- their car! However, it’s important to remember that you and your injuries come first. A visit to a chiropractor should always follow an auto injury, as chiropractors are specialists in damage to soft and hard tissue.
How Can a Chiropractor Help Me After My Auto Accident?
Chiropractors are able to treat neck and back injuries associated with auto accidents. Many times, individuals who have been injured in a car accident experience such intense muscle pain and stiffness that they simply cannot function normally. When left untreated, this discomfort can be a serious issue.
After an auto accident, some individuals experience indicators of whiplash injuries right away, such as blurred vision, headaches, shoulder pain, dizziness, reduced range of motion and arm pain. Whiplash can also result in minor back injuries, muscle injuries, ligament problems, and disc damage. Other individuals may be injured and feel nothing at all.
Treating pain or whiplash should never be secondary to bringing your car at the mechanic or working with your insurance company. If you’ve had an auto accident recently, your first priority should be taking the initiative to visit your chiropractor.
What is Degenerative Disc Disease?
Degenerative disc disease is not as much a disease as it is a name for the changes that can happen to the spine as we age.
Our discs are made of a tough, rubbery exterior and a soft interior. They sit between the vertebrae to act as shock absorbers. As we age, the spinal discs begin to degenerate. This can cause herniated discs, bulging discs, spinal stenosis, and osteoarthritis.
Degenerative Disc Symptoms
The degeneration of spinal discs may cause no symptoms at all, and symptoms depend on each patient and the severity of their case.
Pain may occur at the site of the affected disc in the back or neck. As the pain is often caused by compressed nerves, this pain can also travel to other areas of the body like the buttocks, arms, and legs. Numbness and tingling in the arms and legs may also be experienced. Pain can range from mild to severe and debilitating.
Degenerative Disc Causes
As mentioned previously, our spines can degenerate as a natural part of aging. Tears in the tougher outer layer of the disc are common as we grow older. and when the discs begin to lose fluid, they become smaller and less flexible.
In addition to aging, other factors that may come into play, including obesity, smoking, repeated physical work, and injury.
Degenerative Disc Treatment
Pain caused by degeneration is often treated with hot or cold
packs and an anti inflammatory medication. When disc degeneration causes
problems like herniated or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, or osteoarthritis,
other forms of treatment may be beneficial. This may include physical therapy,
stretching, and in some cases, surgery. While degenerative disc disease is a
natural part of aging, there are things you can do to prevent pain and stay
healthy. If you are
experiencing frequent back or neck pain, be sure to visit our office for an
examination so we can create a treatment plan for you.
Adjustments and Manipulations
A chiropractic adjustment, also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation, is the primary chiropractic treatment method for back pain.
Spinal manipulation is relieves pressure on joints, reduces inflammation, and improves nerve function. It has been a trusted form of treatment since the ancient Greek Hippocrates documented manipulative techniques in his writings back in 1500 B.C. Today, spinal manipulation is used to treat conditions such as allergies, menstrual cramps and headaches.
How Does Spinal Manipulation Work?
There are well over 100 types of adjustment techniques used by chiropractors throughout the world. Some practitioners may use force and twisting, while other techniques are more gentle. Regardless of how they are performed, these techniques are intended to restore or enhance joint function with the objectives of reducing pain and resolving joint inflammation.
When vertebrae shift out of place, there is an overall systemic response from the muscular system to the central nervous system. Without proper alignment and flow, our nerves, our immune system, and our minds cannot function at their highest peak.
Overall, spinal adjustments and manipulations are an excellent way to keep the body functioning at its highest level without any discomfort. When the body is adequately aligned, it becomes able to respond and perform as it was built to do.

Therapeutic exercises are specific exercises meant for correcting specific problems. Depending the matter of your concern, your chiropractor may give you a list of exercises to perform to reduce discomfort. The focus of therapeutic exercise is to regain flexibility, strength, and endurance related to specific physical problems.
Therapeutic exercise aims to improve, restore, and prevent loss of physical function. It can also improve a patient’s overall health, fitness, and sense of well-being.
Additional objectives of Therapeutic exercise include:
- Increasing mobility
- Releasing contracted muscles, tendons, and fascia
- Mobilizing joints
- Improving circulation
- Improving respiratory capacity
- Improving coordination
- Reducing rigidity
- Improving balance
Therapeutic exercises are classified into three major categories:
- Endurance training
- Resistance training
- Flexibility training
No matter what type of exercise is prescribed to remedy a patient’s specific condition, the final goal of rehabilitation is to acquire a maximum level of physical fitness, without the use of more invasive methods. Therapeutic exercise can be performed at home, and gives you the power to improve your quality of life.